About Boyden PAC

Find out more about the Boyden PAC by reading the following FAQ Document

Mission Statement:

The PAC is an organization of all parents and guardians which serves as an open forum for the sharing of ideas and discussion of school-related issues, encourages parental participation, and supports and enhances the educational process at Boyden School.

Our objectives are to:

  • Inform parents about the school and the needs of students.
  • Represent the needs and concerns of Boyden to system and town-wide representatives as well as to any school-related groups and committees.
  • Offer speakers and discussion groups on topics of interest.
  • Provide student enrichment programs.
  • Provide parent volunteers to support both daily school routine and extra-curricular activities.
  • Recognize personal or professional events and accomplishments of staff and students.
  • Raise funds to implement above goals.


  • PAC will be open to all parents and guardians.
  • The school principal serves as an advisor and staff liaison; staff members are welcome to attend meetings.
  • PAC will have a Steering Committee consisting of a chairperson or persons, a secretary, and a treasurer.
  • PAC will meet monthly from September to May, except for the month of December.


  • The budget will be reviewed at the end of the school year. PAC will develop a budget each year based on the goals and objectives for that year.
  • Allocation of funds will be guided by suggestions from staff and parents.
  • Expenditures of $500.00 or more will be voted by secret ballot. Any expenditures can be voted by secret ballot on request from the floor.
  • Unexpected minor expenses may be allocated by a majority vote of the Steering Committee.


  • Committees will be formed as needed to implement PAC's objectives.


  • Every effort will be made to publicize meetings and agendas one week in advance.
  • Requests for topics to be included in the agenda should be submitted to the chairperson(s) ten days prior to the meeting date. New or unexpected business will fall under Other Business.
  • Parents unable to attend meetings are encouraged to express opinions through another member, or the Steering Committee.


  • Amendments to this document may be made at any time by a majority vote of those present at a meeting, provided the proposed change or addition has been publicized in advance of the meeting at which the vote will take place.